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Speed up searches on your website or intranet!

These examples are mock-ups based on public websites and in no way endorsements by their respective owners. See the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

The company websites below were enhanced by "layering" a PeopleFinder QuestField on top of them. The effect is similar to having a real QuestField embedded into individual pages, although the QuestField is not positioned for individual pages and thus may overlap customer content.

The PeopleFinder QuestField used here accesses a demo directory containing over 150,000 people with fake phone numbers and email addresses.


The links above load "live" corporate websites into your browser, onto which the PeopleFinder QuestField is superimposed. These corporate websites are in no way affiliated with MasterObjects and were used for demonstration purposes only. QuestFields can be added to existing HTML pages with very little effort!

MasterObjects assumes no responsibility for the contents of the sites we link to, which are loaded into your browser from a different domain. Fortunately, thanks to strict domain protection built into your browser, there is no way in which we or anyone else can alter or forge the contents of third-party websites.

MasterObjects does not promote the use of "framed websites" except for demonstration purposes. Never enter personal or sensitive information into a web page form unless you are sure that it is loaded into your browser as the main page. Whenever you are in doubt, you can recognize that you are in a framed page by looking at the URL displayed at the top of your browser.

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